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Marijuana Possession Utilize the Power of a Former Prosecutor

Marijuana Possession Attorney in Dublin, CA

Experienced Tri-Valley Drug Crime Lawyer

If you have been charged for illegal possession of marijuana in the Tri-Valley area, turn to the skilled drug crime attorney at the Law Office of John W. Noonan. Drawing on more than 55 years of experience in criminal defense, our legal team understands the laws surrounding these charges and provides reliable legal advice on how to fight against them.

When you join us for a free consultation, our Dublin marijuana possession lawyer can listen attentively to the details of your case, inform you of your rights, and help you make the right decision about how to proceed.

Our firm can be reached at (925) 387-7533 and we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Make the right call now. 

Marijuana Laws in California

In 2016, the recreational use of marijuana was legalized in the state of California. Persons over the age of 21 are permitted to purchase marijuana and consume it in either their private residence or an establishment that is licensed for marijuana consumption. At any given time, an individual may have no more than 28.5 grams of marijuana, or 8 grams of concentrated marijuana, in their possession.

There are also restrictions placed on those who grow marijuana. A person must not have more than 6 marijuana plants within a private residence. In addition, they must keep the plants in a space that remains locked and out of public view.

In California, there are several activities involving marijuana that remain illegal, including:

  • Underage possession
  • Possessing an amount more than the state maximum
  • Possession of marijuana at a school, youth center, or daycare center when children are present
  • Selling marijuana without a license
  • Smoking/ingesting marijuana while driving
  • Possessing an open container of marijuana while driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle
  • Smoking/ingesting marijuana in public places and anywhere tobacco is prohibited

Potential Consequences of Marijuana Possession Violations

Offenses involving the illegal possession, usage, or selling of marijuana can result in a $500 fine and up to 6 months in prison. Previous criminal history or attempts to sell marijuana to a person under the age of 18 can result in up to 3 years in jail.

An additional consequence of a marijuana conviction is a permanent criminal record. This could have an impact on your professional licenses, child custody cases, and opportunities for employment, education, and housing.

To protect yourself from the harsh consequences of a conviction, contact our Dublin marijuana possession attorney today at (925) 387-7533. The Law Office of John W. Noonan is on your side. 

  • Case Dismissed DUI
  • Case Dismissed Felony Domestic Violence
  • Penalties Reduced Felony Drunk Driving
  • Penalties Reduced Felony Drunk Driving With Injury
  • Case Dismissed Felony Juvenile Case (Multiple Charges)